Savvy home and auto owners have saved money for decades by bundling their home and auto insurance. Not sure how this works? Here are the basics so you can start saving money too.
Insurance Bundling: What’s It All About?
When you bundle your insurance policies, you have multiple policies with the same insurance agent or company. There are different ways you can bundle policies, depending on what kind of coverage you have.
For example, you may wish to bundle two different home policies together – one for your primary residence and one for your vacation cottage. Or you can bundle your auto policy, along with your spouse’s policy and your college student’s policy under one roof.
Another common way to bundle insurance is to combine your home insurance and auto insurance with the same carrier or independent agent.
Do You Really Save Money with Insurance Bundling?
The reason people like to bundle their insurance is that it saves them money – often up to 20 percent. Insurance companies offer this discount because over the long term they make more money the more business you give to them.
There’s another advantage to bundling home and auto insurance: the single deductible benefit. The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket when filing a claim. Now, let’s imagine you forget to open your garage door when backing the car out and want to file both home and auto claims for damage to both. With bundled insurance, you’d only have to pay one deductible, not a deductible for each claim.
What Are Some Other Benefits of Bundling Your Home and Auto Insurance?
The benefits of insurance bundling don’t end there. You’ll find there are other perks involved:
- It’s more convenient for you to have all your insurance business in one office.
- If you partner with an independent agent, you’ll get more personalized service.
- You’re less likely to be dropped as a customer, which can unfortunately happen with multiple or expensive claims.
It’s frequently easiest to save the most money through bundling home and auto insurance when you work with an independent insurance agent. Why? Those big name companies can often only give you a reasonable price on one type of insurance. For example, your home insurance might be discounted, but your bundled car insurance is still pricey. Independent agents have a much larger menu of products to shop from, so you don’t run into that problem.
Are you ready to save money by bundling your auto and home insurance? Call Hometown Insurance Agency at 918-221-7686 today to learn more. For your convenience, you can also start a quote any time online.